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Admission and Attendance

Admissions - Thinking of joining us?

We welcome visits from all parents and children that are considering joining us. We also offer pre-school mornings and taster sessions to give the children a taste of life in our schools. If you would like to see what we have to offer, please contact the school office to book an appointment.


How to apply:

More information about admissions to schools in Staffordshire can be found on the Staffordshire County Council website. Please see the link below.




At The Mease Federation, we believe that it is important for all children to attend school on a regular, steady basis as this is an important part of life's learning process. We aim for all children to have attendance at least 96% or above. Attendance is regularly monitored and any child with persistently low attendance will receive a letter from the headteacher. If attendance does not improve, further action will be taken. Any child with 100% attendance will receive a certificate at the end of term.


If your child will not be in school, we ask that you call the School Office by 9am on each day of absence to provide the reason why they will not be able to attend. If a reason is not provided for your child's absence, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.


As you will be aware, we are no longer allowed to authorise holidays unless it is an exceptional circumstance. If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, please complete the form below and return to the office as soon as possible. You will receive a letter back from the headteacher letting you know if it has been approved or not.


If your child is going to be late for school, we ask that you call the office to let us know. When you arrive in school, you will be required to sign the late book providing the reason why you are late to school. The school day starts at 9.00am. Any children that arrive after 9.00am will be marked as 'Late'. Registration closes at 9.25am any children that arrive after this time will be given an Unauthorised Absence. The late book is monitored regularly and anyone that has more than 5 Lates will receive a letter from the Headteacher. If this continues, further action will be taken.
