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Class Three

In RE, Class Three have been exploring the big question, ‘What matters most to Christians and Humanists?’ We considered why people do good and bad things, discussed how every action has a consequence and talked about the importance of rules and why we have them. The children compared the similarities and differences between Humanist and Christian values before using role-play to represent some big moral concepts that we see in everyday life. We developed our understanding of the idea of freedom of action and considered what leads to decisions.

Class Three explored a range of charities when considering how Christians celebrate at Christmas. We began planning and creating our own kindness kits for the community; all children were certainly demonstrating our school value of love today! ❤️

Did people believe Jesus was the Messiah? Class Three got into the roles of Mary and Joseph to ask some intriguing questions!

Wanted: A Messiah! Class Three used information from the prophecies to create wanted posters for the anointed one!

Cosmology...What does Science say about the beginning of the universe and how does it compare to the Creation story?

What is our interpretation of creation?

Autumn 2 Knowledge Organisor
