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Class 3

26.04.2024 In Science, Class Three explained why adaptations are necessary for organisms to survive in their habitats. We began by watching a video on the well-known adaptations of the camel for survival in a desert habitat. The children then identified and explained a range of adaptations of the polar bear, axolotl and tiger. Super learning!

25.04.2024 In Music this week, Class Three continued their learning about Baroque. The children learned about the famous German composer, Johann Pachelbel and his development of the musical form, the canon. We practiced playing the parts of the canon using glockenspiels (part 1 was particularly challenging!) before playing along to his famous piece, Canon in D.

At Mary Howard, Class Three learned that a chord is made up of more than one note being played at the same time. We used glockenspiels to play the chord of C. As we are learning about Blues music this half term, we played the first line of the 12-bar Blues to backing music, using the chord of C.

We began our new unit this half term by exploring the history of Blues music. We identified a feature of Blues music to be bent notes. We sang the Moanin’ Lisa Blues using bent notes!

Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Blues

In Autumn 1, Class Three explored Songs of WW2. We used musical vocabulary to identify features of different eras of music. We sang with dynamics and expression and identified pitches within an octave and notated a melody.

Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser - Songs of WW2
