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Collective Worship


Collective worship at The Mease Federation is inclusive, inspirational and invitational and happens daily. Our meaningful and varied worship timetable supports children in developing their spirituality and religious understanding. Within our communities, both schools have close links with the village churches and we are fortunate to have a weekly visit at each school from a member of the clergy who delivers collective worship. Every half term, Mary Howard CE Primary School visits Holy Trinity Church in Edingale and St. Andrew’s CE Primary School visits St Andrews Church in Clifton Campville to celebrate important times in the church calendar. These visits include: Harvest, Christingle, Mothering Sunday and Easter. Our Year Six leaver’s services are also held in church at the end of the school year.


Our Welcome Words:

“Welcome everyone.”

“It is good to be here together!”


Our Words of Dismissal:

“Let’s remember today to show peace and love.

To forgive when others upset us.

To remember that we are all equal to God.

To think about what we say before we say it.

To thank God for a new day.”

“Thank you God for all your good gifts.”
