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Class Blogs

09/05/24. In Art we learnt about Prehistoric Art. We sketched an animal native to the UK, trying hard to use some shading to show texture. We have a class full of Artists!

03/05/24 A perfect way to end a busy, exciting week of learning. Cosmic yoga always helps us to be calm and mindful ❤️

30/04/24 We had a visit from the Poet Daniel Thompson todaywho shared his poems with us. We went on a senses walk to collect ideas for our own nature poem. What a lovely day to be learning outside and inspired by nature.

29/04/2024. In our PSHE lesson we are covering Citizenship. Today we have been planning and designing a poster for the clubs we’d like to have in Clifton Campville. We stood in front of the class and spoke about our clubs and what’s involved.

26/04/24 In PE we have been working on teamwork. Trying to get the hoop around a circle of friends, without letting go of hands,was extremely challenging but so much fun!

26/04/24 We have been so busy building our castles using all the recycled materials we collected. Such teamwork and perseverance. We are so proud of our finished work!

In History we have been learning about castles, today we built our own. We discussed all the parts of a castle and worked in teams to use the 3D shapes to create a castle.

In English we were using drama to empathise with a character.

15/03/24 Trip to Rosliston Forestry Centre. We had a wonderful day learning about animal and plant habitats. We looked for signs of animals, went on a mini beast hunt and built shelters for animals. We even managed a picnic in the sunshine ☀️ .

14/03/24 We had great fun designing and constructing our cars. Fixing our side panels onto the chassis proved challenging ,but we helped each other and persevered

13/03/24 We designed our own branching database to identify 6 aliens.

7/3/24 In Science we experimented with a decibel meter and recorded the volume of sounds from different distances.

7/3/24 Celebrating World Book Day.

29/2/24 In science we investigated how sound waves travel through air and solids by making a string telephone. We sent our friend a secret message.

Wow what a busy DT lesson we’ve had! We had great fun constructing our slingshot cars and testing them out.

27-2-24 In English we have been working in pairs to write descriptive sentences using a setting picture from our class text ‘The Iron Man’

22/2/24 We investigated how sounds are made in Science by doing lots of mini experiments.

1/2/24 Hot seating Howard Carter for our newspaper reports.

1/2/24 In Art we designed our Egyptian scrolls on the paper we made last week. We wrote our name in hieroglyphics and then decorated them with Egyptian images.

31/01/24 A relaxing end to another exciting learning day. Yoga in Egypt!

29/01/24 In English we looked at the features of a newspaper report. We worked in groups to design a poster for the classroom, about these features.

25/01/24 In musics we learnt about how the pentatonic scale is made up of 5 notes. We practised some pentatonic scales on our glockenspiel.

25/01/24 What an amazing art lesson we had today! We learnt all about how Ancient Egyptians made paper out of papyrus. We made our own paper ready to design our Egyptian scrolls.

What a fantastic Science afternoon we had in class2! We learnt about how our muscles work and made a model of our hand ( complete with bones!)

In our RE lesson we learnt all about the Hindu diet. Can we create a meal to enjoy?

In computing we designed and planned motion for sprites (characters) in Scratch and explored new motion blocks.

Our French lessons are so much fun! Today we played games using our knowledge of numbers. Who would be the last person standing? Which team won at noughts and crosses?

Today, in Science, we are learning to recognise the main bones in the body. We had to hunt the bones around the classroom then measure them and order the sizes. Which is the smallest bone in the body?

We are learning about Hinduism in RE and enjoyed exploring our display in the hall.

Then we made our own skeletons.

In Science we are learning about the role of a skeleton. We had to sort the animals into groups; no hard skeleton, exoskeleton and endoskeleton.

What a fabulous start to yoga in our PE lesson today.

In our art lesson we have been investigating style,pattern and characteristics of Ancient Egyptian art. Today we created the background for our art piece.

Year 2 have been researching explorers from the past and the present.

We are so grateful for our presents and our wonderful friends.

A wonderful end to a busy year.

The author Daniel Thompson visited today and we were so lucky that he spent time in all our classes! Such an inspiration to our budding writers.

Designing a print to use for our calendars.

Thankfulness,our final advent activity.

Talking Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah.

Still image for this video
Learning to rehearse and perform a poem.

Wow! What an incredible DT lesson we’ve had. All our knowledge on circuit building helped us to actually build a torch today! Fabulous perseverance shown by all x

Today we had an afternoon of geography enrichment, learning about orientation.

Christingle preparation.

The Holy Trinity. In RE we made lanterns with our images of The Holy Trinity.

Creating our own stop-frame animation using the onion skinning technique.

We created a collage in the style of Matisse using our learnt French vocabulary of colours,shapes and sizes.

Investigating what affects bulb brightness.

Busy maths lesson today.

Hot seating Phileas Fogg in our new class text, Around the World in 80 Days.

We gave our instructions in French to create a Matisse-style composition.

Looking at physical features of the UK on Google Earth

In RE we were looking at the importance of water in baptism.

We challenged each group to model the displayed circuit.

Computing. Can we make a picture move?

Investigating circuits in science today.

Anti-bullying Activities

Celebrating our uniqueness by wearing odd socks.

Remembrance Day Art

Our class reader- we have finished The Sheep pig and now we are reading Sam Wu- we loved listening to our class readers

Is there anything more fun than playing with magnets? Definitely not! We discovered many things like not all metals are magnetic, and magnetic fields can go through objects.

In music, we were learning our song, recognising crochets and rests

Poppies for Remembrance

We worked in groups to brainstorm sights, sounds, smells and feelings for a WWI soldier living in the trenches

In history we have been loving our World War 1 unit of work and have some new books to help us gain more knowledge.

In gymnastics this week we having been performing a sequence of movements including rolls and balances.

In art we have been using acrylics to mix primary and secondary colours adding white to make tints and black to shade. We also learn the techniques of dabbing, stippling and pointillism.

We have been learning about life in the trenches in World War 1 and recreated our own trench with look out points and other special features. We then wriote about how we would feel if we were a soldier in the trench.

In science we have been investigating the effects of friction in materials. We used rough and smooth surfaces to test how far our materials travelled.

In music we have been learning about staff notation and today in our unit,S. African Music, we played a harmonic ostinato using the glockenspiels 🎼

We have been spending time in our reflection area, thinking about things we are thankful for.

We have been learning how to partition ones, tens, hundreds and thousands this week. We have partitioned in different ways and Y4 have also been learning how to add and subtract 1,10,100 and 1000 to a four digit number .

In science this week we started our new unit Magnets and Forces. We investigated the different forces-push, pull and twist. We used had a challenge to make our ball move without touching it and then we thought about whether it was a push, pull or twist.

We having been using base 10 to find different ways to make 2 digit numbers in maths today.

Our first week back has been super exciting as we had the author Caroline Wedd come in to share her book Flower Power. We used her book to write our own blurbs, which we shared with her. We looked at the themes of resilience and compassion and linked them to our values of grow and flourish.

Our amazing Flower Power Art work 🌹🥀🌺

Our out of school achievements 🌟🌟

This week we have finished our Science presentations, we have presented them to the class and some fantastic feedback.

Our finished Art Work! Year 3 worked on the theme of Incarnation and Year 4 worked on the theme Gospel.

This week we have been looking closely at the themes Gospel and Incarnation and have started our collaborative art work which will be on display in the school.

Sports Day was a great success as was the parent’s picnic 🌞

Today has been Rock up and Read, we have enjoyed sharing books with our parents and carers.

We have learnt all about the Sikh pilgrimage to the Golden Temple this week in RE. We wrote a postcard home explaining all the amazing things we saw.

This week in maths we have been learning how to interpret data in line graphs as well as drawing our own line graphs 😊

After learning about the Christian pilgrimage to Lourdes and the Jewish pilgrimage to Jerusalem, we used google earth to locate the statue of the Lady of Lourdes and the Western Wall.

We had a super investigation, finding out about the differ layers of soil.

Some of our designs for our faith through art competition 😊😊

Spelling shed fun! Learning to spell new words 😀

Some of the Class 2 litter pickers!

More science investigations this week, we investigated the effect of wind on heat on the rate of evaporation 😀

PE Enrichment Day Activities promoting well being-art in nature and personal challenges 😀

Year 4 learning about money and decimals

Working scientifically, measuring viscosity.
