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Class Blogs

07.05.24 In RE today we discussed the link between friendship, forgiveness and peace. We wrote our own recipes for peace, everyone had amazing ideas!

02.05.24 Our new maths topic is Time. Everyone is enjoying using clocks to read o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

24.04.24 In Science, we are carrying out some experiments about the conditions seeds need to grow. Our beans are beginning to grow and we are closely observing the changes!

16.04.24 Our DT is about structures and making a windmill. Take two simple paper cups to create something amazing!

08.04.24 Our new role play is a Florist which links to our Science topic about plants. Some fantastic imaginative play already!

19.03.24 In RE we reflected on our key question “Why does Easter matter to Christians?” and created some fantastic cards to share

15.03.24 Our art lesson was lots of fun today, creating paper sculptures using different techniques of folding, rolling and twisting paper.

15.03.24 In English we have been looking at explanation texts. We have worked with partners to research information about London landmarks, such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. We have created information leaflets for visitors.

15.03.24 This week we have completed maths activities linked to weight. We have compared objects using heavier and lighter using the balance scales. We have looked at the difference between grams and kilograms.

07.03.24 World Book Day! Amazing costumes and lots of fun! Thank you to everyone who joined us for “Rock up and Read”

07.03.24 In RE this week we discussed our own emotions at various points in the Easter story. We showed compassion for Jesus.

06.03.24 Our maths this week has been all about length and height. We have completed lots of practical activities with standard and non-standard units.

29.02.24 Everyone has been enjoying our new role-play area. A London Tourist Information office!

26.02.24 Our English text is “Katie in London.” We have been busy creating missing posters about Katie and Jack. We used a range of adjectives to describe them.

22.02.24 It’s Girl Guide World Thinking Day today. Some of the girls wore their Rainbows uniforms and told us all about it!

20.02.24 In Geography today we identified countries and capital cities within the United Kingdom. The children used a contents page to locate the maps they needed within an atlas.

20.02.24 Year 1 have started a new maths topic to develop their place value skills. They have practiced counting to 50 and using base ten to partition numbers

06.02.24 We completed our History topic “How have explorers changed the world?” by creating coats of arms to reflect the stories of each explorer. We also looked at how exploration has changed over time.

01.02.24 Investigating our sense of smell! Class 1 had 6 mystery items to identify. Most were able to sniff out the chocolate, some were more tricky!

31.01.24 Over the past two weeks we have been looking at giving robots different commands. We previously looked at forwards and backwards before moving onto left and right this week. We carefully followed instructions and predicted which symbol our bee bot would land on.

30.01.24 In English we are creating factfiles about the astronaut Tim Peake. Today we used websites and non-fiction texts to research information about him.

30.01.24 Year 2 are making the link between repeated addition and multiplication facts

25.01.24 In Science today we investigated our sense of taste. We tried sweet, salty, bitter and sour foods. Some interesting reactions to tasting lemon!

Using our “inspectacles” to improve our work - editing is an important part of the writing process.

We are using our imaginations and having fun in our new role play area!

In Computing we are exploring programmable toys. Today we found out about the buttons and functions on the Beebot and Robot Mouse, inputting simple directions to find out what happens

Phonics is becoming more challenging as we learn different ways of spelling the same sound. Some fantastic spelling today as we grow the phonics code.

In History we discovered more about famous explorers and why they are remembered! ! Some amazing writing today!

Our new History question is “How have explorers changed the world?” We thought about the special equipment an explorer might need and how they would travel. We looked at images of famous explorers, put them in a timeline and discussed the meaning of “beyond living memory.”

Year 1 have been working on their Place Value skills to 20. They have been ordering and comparing numbers and using number bonds to 10 to understand pairs that make 20.

Performance poetry inspired by The Great Fire of London

Still image for this video

Performance poetry inspired by The Great Fire of London

Still image for this video

Performance poetry inspired by The Great Fire of London

Still image for this video

Class 1 you were amazing today, telling the story of the Nativity and the true meaning of Christmas.

A fantastic Computing session today. We completed a quiz about selecting the correct tools for creating digital images. We were inspired by the work of Kandinsky for our own creations.

Fun in the snow at Winter Wonderland today!

This week we participated in our Christingle worship. We started the day learning about the symbolism of each item and then made them with our Class 2 friends. The evening performance in church was beautiful and a perfect start to our festive activities. Well done to everyone who joined us to reflect on the meaning of Christmas.

In Computing we were inspired by the work of Henri Matisse. We selected tools, colours and shapes to create our own fantastic images.

Class 1 are loving our Great Fire of London topic! This week we wrote messages to the King explaining why the fire spread so quickly. Some amazing art too!

Our new maths topic is all about shape. We have been busy working together and creating shapes in different ways, developing our mathematical language skills.

An amazing afternoon completing a History and PE enrichment workshop! We shared our knowledge of The Great Fire Of London. We were fire and water. We played collaborative team games. We went on a scavenger hunt for artefacts. We created wooden houses and Rachel set fire to them. We could see how quickly fire spreads!

In RE we are thinking about why Christmas is important for Christians. We discussed our own beliefs and ordered Christmas objects by importance. Then we compared our opinions with each other!

In Computing today we used a paint program on the iPads to create some self-portraits. We used a variety of tools to complete our images. Can you guess who we are?

Our amazing phonics! We can read and spell words with split digraphs!

Our art topic is called “Make your mark.” Today we experimented with different types of line to create water using pencils, pastels and chalk. We were inspired by the work of artist Zaria Forman.

Today was Odd Socks Day for Anti-bullying Week!

Thank you to everyone who “rocked up” to read today. It’s always lovely to have visitors in our classroom!

Our new Science topic is all about seasons and weather. We worked in groups to consolidate our understanding of how weather changes through creating some season mobiles. Great teamwork!

We have started our new learning in History about The Great Fire of London. A burnt piece of bread was our first clue. We have started investigating key events and have a Pudding Lane bakery in our role play area!

Our amazing Autumn poems. We used lots of powerful verbs and adjectives!

Fantastic phonics! We have been learning even more new digraphs this week!

We have been inspired by Shirley Hughes’ poetry in “Out and about” to create our own autumn poems. We started to explore seasonal changes and write some description using our senses!

In maths this week we have been investigating addition. We have used part/whole models and developed our knowledge of number bonds.

We investigated the absorbency of materials today. We discussed fair testing and compared results with each other!

We made Pumpkin Soup! We are going to write the instructions for how to make it in our English lessons, making sure we use bossy verbs! Most of the class were brave and had a taste!

During our PE enrichment morning, children developed their skills with a range of playground equipment. This will support and enhance playtime activities.

We have been busy outside creating maps of the playground! We designed our own symbols for the key too! Fantastic Class 1!

Our new writing unit, based on the story Pumpkin Soup, is all about instructions. We worked together to identify key features of instructions. Now we know what to include in our own writing!

In geography we created “messy maps” of our classroom using objects we could find to represent each area. The teamwork was amazing!

In RE today we discussed God the creator and how Christians praise and say thanks for the world. We all thought about things we are thankful for.

We investigated the structure of Little Red Riding Hood by creating story maps. The children could then use them to retell the story verbally, ready to write their own versions!

Maths in action! This week we have been subitising and learning how to use new equipment. Year 2 have been partitioning numbers in different ways and investigating place value!

Some of our amazing writing this week! We have listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood and used adjectives to describe the characters, checking capital letters and full stops in our sentences.

Where are we in the world? That is our geography question to investigate this half term! We used Google Earth to locate the United Kingdom and then Edingale. We looked at aerial photographs of the village and located key areas.

Flower Power! On Wednesday we met Caroline, the author! All our work was linked to themes in the story and our school values. We are all hoping to grow and flourish together this year!

Our first week back at school! We love our new classroom!

In RE this half term, Class One have been learning about charity. We have explored what charity means and why it is important to treat others the way we wish to be treated. The children in Class One decided that they wanted to host a bake sale for their fundraising event. They made signs, baked and decorated cakes and ran their own stall. All money raised will be donated to the Christian organisation, Tearfund. Well done Class One; what a charitable act!

In Class One this week, we enjoyed getting creative for Big Frieze week! We explored the big stories in the Bible and made our own artistic representations using canvases for ‘Creation’, ‘Fall’ and ‘People of God’. Well done Class One!

In PSHE, Class One learned about people in our community who keep us safe. The children did a great job at describing the different roles of these adults!

In phonics this week, Reception have been reading and writing words ending in ‘ed’. They have been working really hard to recognise the three different sounds that past tense verbs can end in, including ‘t’, ‘id’ and ‘d’. Super work!

In RE this week, Class One learned about the importance of the Golden Rule. We discussed how we like to be treated and how it feels when others are unkind. The children then thought of ways that they can show kindness and be a good friend at different times throughout the school day.

On Monday morning, Class One arrived at school to find an almighty mess! Our role-play had been destroyed and there were books everywhere! After reading our new story, ‘Nibbles the Book Monster’ we created wanted posters to try and find this cheeky creature! Class One also wrote blurbs for the book and used their inspectacles to proofread and edit their writing!

This week, Class One went on a trip to Conkers! We had such a fun day which involved lots of exploration and an exciting bug hunt led by a ranger! Class One remembered lots about their habitat learning in Science and used this to help create their own bug hotels for a range of different creatures!

In Science, Class One learned about how camels have adapted to surviving in a desert habitat!

Reception children explored mass this week in maths using balance scales. They were all able to use mathematical vocabulary such as, “heavier”, “lighter” and “equal to” when describing and comparing the mass of different objects!

Class One started learning about capacity in maths this week. We used different materials and containers to explore and show our understanding of the new mathematical vocabulary! Each group correctly labelled their containers using accurate terminology to describe the different capacities!

During worship this week, Class One read the Bible story, 'Daniel and the Lions'. The children made some fantastic links to our new worship theme, respect!

Class 1 Father's Day Lunch

Class One finished their D&T learning for the half term by making the pizzas that they designed - yum!
