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Role Play Areas

At the Mease Federation, we recognise that role play is an important part of child development, as it builds confidence, creativity, communication, physical development and problem solving. Along with being a fun activity, this imaginary play allows children to get into character and act out real life roles or fictional performances. It can be purely child-led, and can encourage children to take risks and be creative with the role they are playing. We know that by investing in some themed props and equipment, it's a fun way for our children to learn about different professions, historical events, the natural world and day-to-day situations.


Role play involving doctors, police officers and shopkeepers for example, encourages empathy between children. Allowing them to act out real life situations and on occasion draw on their own experiences. Children develop their abilities in communication and interaction with others, giving them the responsibility to act accordingly, effectively disguising learning as play!


Enabling children to act out real life situations such as going shopping or camping gives them the opportunity to learn about real life environments and situations at their own pace.  This can build confidence for when they are in these situations in reality.  


Please take a look at some of our indoor and outdoor role play areas in this gallery.
