Class Blogs
30.4.24 Big thank you to our special guest Daniel Thompson for sharing some of his works and leading the children on their own poetic journey.
26.4.24 In DT the class are creating their own playground models, they are beginning to take shape.
12.4.24 The class used lines and shapes to create vector drawings. Very creative designs.

7.3.24- World Book Day 2024
The children had a fun day on Thursday to celebrate World Book Day, starting with ‘rock up and read’. Thee were some brilliant costumes on show and the children enjoyed their book hunt challenge in the afternoon.
5.3.24- Mother’s Day service
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Mother’s Day service at St. Andrew’s church on Tuesday. The children enjoyed having the opportunity to share their songs and role play with you all and hopefully parents enjoyed the morning.
1.3.24- School Food Roadshow
Children in all classes today had a fun afternoon session with the Food Showdown! Chef Ben visited us to talk about the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and to discuss the different food groups. We also had a cook-off challenge- Reds V Greens. Holly and Rosie represented Team Red and Roman and Patrick represented Team Green.
As you will see from the photos below, all the children had a great time and the meals didn’t look too bad either!
28.2.24- PE enrichment
Today, children in Class 3 have enjoyed taking part in the personal best challenges in PE. The aim of the session is to encourage children to challenge themselves to improve their own personal best. They completed a range of different activities and recorded their scores. After each attempt, they considered ways in which they could improve their performance and scores. Despite the miserable weather, they all had fun taking part!
22/02/24- English
This week, we have started to study ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. The children have really enjoyed starting this and have worked on hard on various reading focussed tasks throughout the week.
on Thursday, we started to plan a setting description for the Rainforest in which the characters find themselves stranded.
we looked at different sentence types and thought about how we could use these in a setting description, which we will write in the coming days.
French- 02/02/24
Class 3 have been lucky enough to have local Rawlett French teacher, Mrs Watkins work with us this term in French. This week, children have been learning about how to say what they are wearing and how to add detail such as the size and colour of the items of clothing they are wearing.
French- clothes
RE- Discussing right and wrong- 31/01/24
As part of our RE unit this half term on Christians and Humanists, the children have been working in small groups to consider different scenarios in life and the choices people can make, which are ‘right and wrong’.
children thought about situations such as: vandalism, theft, and bullying and the affect these things can have on others. They had some great ideas and made good contributions to group discussions.
RE roleplay task
English- Conscience alley
In English, we used a Drama technique called ‘conscience alley’. Children got into role as Heracles from our new Narrative text, ‘The 12 Labours of Heracles’ and walked through the alleyway of children. As they pass through, children offered Heracles words of wisdom to help him in his quest. We linked this with a focus on using modal verbs to portray different levels of certainty.
Science- sorting invertebrates
During our first week back after Christmas, we completed our Classification Science unit from Autumn Term, with the final lesson on invertebrates. The children worked in pairs to investigate the different types of invertebrates, using information and fact files to support their decisions. Despite some very strange names, the children all did a great job and worked really well as a team!
Snowdome Trip!
Great fun was had by all on Wednesday! Class 3 enjoyed their time in the snow and represented our school very well. Here is a small selection of photos from the morning!
Geography enrichment afternoon- Map reading
Class 3 had a great time on Tuesday this week, taking part in a map reading activity. They took part in various orienteering activities, which built on the work we have been doing this term in Geography. As you can see from he photos, they had fun and loved being able to get outside, despite the miserable weather!
Christingle Service
The children of Class did an amazing job leading the Christingle service in church this year! All of the children spoke clearly and eloquently and performed with confidence and with a smile. It was a magical night in St.Andrew’s church!
Below is a selection of photos from our rehearsal in church earlier that day…
Making Christingles
The children loved making their own Christingles, in preparation for the Christingle Service on Monday this week.
Computing- making video
As part of our computing unit on video, children worked in small groups to experiment with different filming techniques. They created short videos which explored the use of different camera angles; close ups, medium and long distance shots and moving subjects.
They all had great fun producing their videos and came up with some amusing but effective content!
Space Art
in Art this term, we are looking at the portrayal of Space through different mediums, including painting, pencil drawing, photo and computer generated images.
we began by sorting the different images and then had a go at recreating them through sketching this week.
Using manipulatives to find factors of numbers
Children have been working hard on finding the factors of numbers: to support this learning, we used cubes to show different arrays to make the same amount.
Rock up and Read!
Thank you to all Class 3 parents who came along to ‘Rock up and Read’ on Friday 10th November! It’s always nice for the children to have this time with an adult from home and as you can see from the pictures, they also particularly enjoyed the chocolate snacks!
Performing War poetry
Performing War poetry
This week, we were working on a poetry unit about war. We looked at at two different poems; ‘Dulce et decorum est’ and ‘The Soldier’.
We focussed on how the language features within the poems create imagery for the reader. We looked at the use of adjectives, similes and metaphors in particular and thought about what impact these had.
Finally, children worked in small groups to perform sections of the poems, using expression to emphasise certain parts.
Stuffed Toys project
Today was the final stage of our DT project, making a stuffed toy.
The children really enjoyed this and produced some brilliant work. However, I was most impressed by the way that they all helped each other! There were some who found the sewing task quite tricky (including me!) but with the help of friends, everyone managed to complete their design.
Well done Class 3!
DT project- Making our stuffed toys
Newspaper reports…
In English this week, we were working on writing newspaper reports about the discovery of Anne Frank’s diary. In preparation for this, children looked at examples of newspapers and picked out the common key features. They then used these to inform their own plan.
Keep an eye out for the finished reports being uploaded after half term.
Looking for key features of a newspaper
Science- investigating air resistance
We had great fun this afternoon in Class 3, making our parachutes to investigate air resistance. We were trying to find out the effect of surface area on the amount of air resistance produced.
There are some good action shots!
DT soft toy project
This afternoon, children have been working hard on their new DT project to design and make a soft toy. We looked at some existing products and discussed the way they had been made and how we could recreate them.
Children then came up with some designs of their own before selecting Their final design. From here, they cut out the templates on felt, in preparation for making the finished product next week.
Here are some photos from the afternoon…
PE enrichment Day
Children enjoyed our PE session this afternoon, which was focussed on learning ‘skills and tricks’ with equipment that could be used at play and lunchtime.
Over the next week, children in Class 3 will have the chance to become play leaders. This role will require them to work with younger children on the playground to encourage them to use equipment appropriately and creatively. The role will also include looking at what equipment we have in school and what we may potentially need to get in the future, whilst ensuring it is well cared for and treated with respect.
see the pictures below to see some of the activities the children had a go at.
Science- The force of Gravity
Today, we have been using the Newton meters in class 3 to make links between the mass (g) and weight (n) of objects. The children had fun using the equipment and were able to make scientific conclusions based on their findings.
Understanding what life was like during the Blitz
Children have been learning about the events during the Blitz. They have looked at the reasons behind the Blitz and the impact this had on people’s lives, including children who were evacuated during this time. We watched a useful video to explain this with an interview with a survivor from the time.
Children looked at photographs taken during the Blitz and considered what they can tell us about life at this time. How did people cope? How did life continue with any normality? What immediate damage did the Blitz cause?
The Blitz
Story planning- creating a main character
Today, we started to plan our own WW2 narrative, based on the ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ story. The main focus for the lesson was creating a main character for our story. To support the children with this process, they used iPads to research elements of the 1930s period to research things like popular names, past times and school life for children at the time. They were very interested to discover how different life was!
French Day
The children across the whole school had a great day today, celebrating European languages Day! They experienced food tasting, art, DT and French language activities. Have a look at some of the photos below.
French Day 27.9.23
World War 2 Topic
We have continued our topic focus on the Second World War this week, looking in particular at the Battle of Britain. Children learned how the battle was fought and how it was ultimately won by the allied forces.
As part of this learning, we looked at real life accounts from pilots who flew in the battle. We recreated interviews with pilots in class, with children taking on the role of both reporter and pilot. Here are some pictures from the lesson…
Battle of Britain interviews
September 2023 week 1 transition task
Today’s author visit from Helen Rutter was inspirational!
Rock up and read.
Laches Wood 2023!
Dragon's Den!
Investigating shadows!
The Witches’ Spell from Macbeth!

Double, double toil and trouble.... We have studied The Witches’ Spell from Macbeth this week. We have analysed the words and read the poem out loud. Hope you enjoy it!